
Install Ruby on Rails for Windows

1. Download and install RubyInstaller
2. Open cmd.exe and type "ruby -v" to check version.
3.  Download DevKit
4. Copy it to C:\
5. Open cmd.exe and tpye "cd C:\DevKit" to go to this path.
6. Type "ruby dk.rb init" to dump "config.yml" file.
7. Open config.yml to check Ruby info.
8. Type "ruby dk.rb install" to install DevKit.
9. Type "gem update --system 2.0.3" to upgrade RubyGems.
10. Type "gem install sqlite3 --no-ri --no-rdoc" to install SQLITE3.
11. Type "gem install json --platform=ruby --verbose" to install json.
12. Type "gem install json -v 1.6.1 --platform=ruby --verbose" to upgrade json.
13. Type "gem install rails --no-ri --no-rdoc" to install Rails.
14. Type "rails -v" to check Rails version.

