
Enable Network Service Under WinPE

1. Extract your LAN driver package.
2. Copy LAN driver folder(xxxxx.inf) to your WinPE USB key.
3. Plugin it to test unit and boot from WinPE USB key.
4. Type "ipconfig/all" to check network status first.
5. If no IP address are listed, type "dir *.inf" to list the INF files that you previously copied to WinPE USB key.
6. Type "drvload xxxxx.inf" to load your LAN driver.
7. Wait about few seconds, it should report that the dirver has loaded successfully.
8. Type "ipconfig/all" to check network status again.


Change Windows Product Key Command

1. run cmd.exe as administrator.
2. type slmgr.vbs -ipk "your product key, like XXXXX-OOOOO-ZZZZZ..........".
3. type slmgr.vbs -ato.