
Install VirtualBox to Linux Mint 12

1. Add the below line in the /etc/apt/sources.list

deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian oneiric contrib

2.Add the Oracle VBox public key

wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -

3. Install the VirtualBox using apt-get script

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.X


How to run Python script under WinPE

1. Go to download and install python-3.3.3.msi or python-3.3.3.amd64.msi
2. Launch and select "install just for me".
3. Press Next button and select or create program folder.
4. Select all function and press Next to install.
5. Download and install Windows ADK from Microsoft website.
6. Open "Deployment and Image Tools Environment" as administrator.
7. Type "dism /mount-wim /wimfile:C:\boot.wim /index:1 /mountdir:C:\mount" to mount boot.wim file.
8. Copy C:\Python33 folder to C:\mount
9. Open and edit "startnet.cmd" from C:\Winodws\System32
10. Type 2 command after "wpeinit"
11. assoc .py=PythonFile
      ftype PythonFile=X:\Python33\Python.exe
12. Save and exit.
13. Back to  "Deployment and Image Tools Environment" command line.
14. Type "dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:C:\mount /commit" to unmount boot.wim file.
15. Copy and replace boot.wim to your WinPE iso.
16. Boot to WinPE and run Python script to test it can be workable.


How to Build Windows 8.1 install.wim

1. Download Windows 8.1 DVD iso file then burn it.
2. Install Windows 8.1 to other units or Virtual Machine.
3. Un-plug your SATA HDD after install was completed.
4. Use external SATA USB cable to connect to WDS Server.
5. Download the Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK) from MSDN subscribers download.
6. Install ADK by running adksetup.exe, and make sure that Windows Preinstallation Environment is selected (selected by default).
7. Open "Deployment and Image Tools Environment" as administrator.
8. Type imagex /compress maximum /capture X:\ C:\install.wim "Windows 8.1 Pro"
9. Wait about 5~10 minutes, and you will get it.


Enable Network Service Under WinPE

1. Extract your LAN driver package.
2. Copy LAN driver folder(xxxxx.inf) to your WinPE USB key.
3. Plugin it to test unit and boot from WinPE USB key.
4. Type "ipconfig/all" to check network status first.
5. If no IP address are listed, type "dir *.inf" to list the INF files that you previously copied to WinPE USB key.
6. Type "drvload xxxxx.inf" to load your LAN driver.
7. Wait about few seconds, it should report that the dirver has loaded successfully.
8. Type "ipconfig/all" to check network status again.


Change Windows Product Key Command

1. run cmd.exe as administrator.
2. type slmgr.vbs -ipk "your product key, like XXXXX-OOOOO-ZZZZZ..........".
3. type slmgr.vbs -ato.


20130419 - 韓國太妍家眼鏡店之旅

今天寫這篇完全是記錄2013/4/19出國及去太妍家眼鏡店的故事 :)

而且自己也想買一副新眼鏡 (迷之聲:想去就想去,還真多藉口阿...)
由於本人的韓語能力等於0,加上英文能力也只是堪用 (迷之聲:我沒聽錯吧?)
 一開始真的蠻擔心自己會迷失在韓國回不了家...( ̄ー ̄;)